Thursday, May 23, 2019

How To Find The Best Loot In PUBG?

If you are a noob and began to play PUBG a few days ago or if you are experienced or pro but still fail to get a good loot then don't worry this post is only for you.

Finding the best loot is a difficult task. The developers of PUBG are always trying hard to get the best version of PUBG and hence the place where you earlier got the best loot may disappear this time.
     But we have some brought some places where you can get the best loot.

1. Air Drops : 

              Airdrop may the best way to gain loot as it contains many types of equipment which are usually unavailable during the gameplay.  But beware because the risk is high as well. Not only you but many PUBG players are waiting for the same loot.

2. Sosnovka military base : 

                 The military base has been established in the Erangel map. Some loot like Level 3 Vests, Helmets, and other higher tier weapons may be found. The radar antenna in the map also offers anyone that can climb it.

3. School : 

                 The school has 3 floors of high-quality loot can get players flooded with loot.
Loot including level 2 gear, good weapons and attachments and some medical loot too are found there.

4. Pochinki : 

            Every player should think at least twice before landing there. Pochinki has good loot. But the risk in this dead zone is not worth the loot. If you are a pro player it may be okay for it but just never expect it to be safe.

N.B : We already made a post regarding "Why most players are afraid of Pochinki?". To view it, click here.

5. Shelter : 

                 You might have visited the shelter many times. It is typically filled with high-tier loot. But the thing is that with multiple corridors and less of coverings its not less than a deathtrap. 

6. Dobro Mesto :

                Dobro Mesto in Vikendi has very good loot. The shacks up the hill near Dobro Mesto have some good weapons. As of my experience, you can sometime find a full set of level 3 armour there.

If you enjoyed please share with every PUBG players. Don't forget to leave a comment below.

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